jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008
Sleeping habits quiz
I have a dream

First read a text about Martin Luther King and answer the comprehension questions.
Then, listen to Martin Luther King's famous speech whle you read it. Single out the 14 differences between the script and what he actually says. When you have finished, click on "Next" at the bottom of the page and do the next activity.
lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008
Deadline: January 13.

Darrin is buying a new house and wants Samantha to check it out. Samantha ... and Endora go to 1164 Morning Glory Circle and have a lot of fun rearranging the place with magic. Of course, they also have new neighbors, nosy Gladys Kravitz and her do-nothing husband Abner Kravitz. Gladys knows that she sees something funny going on at the Stephens' new house, but Abner doesn't believe her
Six months after moving back to Seattle to start his career as a radio psychiatrist, Frasier is forced to take in his father Martin, a disabled former police officer, and his dog Eddie, and to hire Daphne Moon, a housekeeper and physical therapist.
British breakfasts (5.25)
In this edition, we sit down to a traditional British breakfast in a smart London restaurant and then, an ordinary café!
We find out what the great British breakfast is made of, and why it is becoming more and more popular, especially in London, to eat breakfast in a café before arriving at the office for a hard day's work!
Our guests are an American anthropologist, a top chef in a London restaurant, and the author of new book called 'Egg, Bacon, Chips and Beans: 50 Great Cafés and the Stuff That Makes Them Great'.
Stress (4.48)
Stress, it's all part of modern life, and certainly part of life in London. In this programme, Jackie asks Londoners what's making them feel stressed and how they cope with it. We also look at some of the language used to talk about stress.
How to get a good night's sleep (4.10)
How To Get A Good Night's Sleep: This films shows you what you can do to make sure you get a good night's sleep. VideoJug presents you with some simple steps on how to sleep well, from your bed to your diet, our aim is to help you sleep better at night.
miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008
Bert and Ernie
Watch Bert and Ernie Sesame Street Cookies in Bed in Entertainment Videos | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
If you go down a little you will see the video of the song and the complete lyrics, so you can read them in advance before you try the karaoke.
Enjoy yourselves!!
I'm afraid this song has been removed from that webpage. But there are lots of them you can still enjoy. Give it a try!!
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008
However, if you feel more confident listening to something easier you will also find links to audio recordings below.
Deadline: December 11
Monica invites an old friend from high school over for Thanksgiving dinner, unaware that Will started a "We Hate Rachel" club with Ross. Meanwhile, Joey vows to eat an entire turkey by himself, and Chandler and Phoebe pretend to watch football to avoid helping in the kitchen.
Samantha and Darrin appear to be an ideally matched couple. Very much in love, they decide to marry. Darrin doesn't know that Samantha, is, of all things, a witch.
Keeping up Appearances
In this series premiere, we are introduced to the infamous prim and proper Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet), her less-than-socially-acceptable extended family, and Hyacinth's long-suffering husband, Richard
Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) is stunned when her less than well off sisters Daisy and Rose inform her that their father has been taken to the hospital. Hyacinth is even more stunned however when she finds out why he was taken there.
Drinking laws (6.00)
Has a change in drinking laws in England and Wales affected people's attitudes to alcohol? We'll be hearing from a medical worker as Jackie and Elena talk about the language of drinks and going out.
Untied Nations (7.50)
It was the house at the end of the street; the one where nobody wanted to live. Seeing as people from the city didn’t want to live there, the landlord asked people from other countries to live there. At first everything went well, but then the neighbours began falling out. Fortunately, one of them had an idea ...
Food (5.31)
"When I was at school, our teacher told the class “You are what you eat.” My friends and I would laugh and call each other ‘hamburger’ and ‘biscuits’. Our teacher was trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy."
Cooking for all! (6.09)
Food and eating habits are a big issue in Britain at the moment - everyone seems to be worrying that the nation is getting too fat and people don't know how to feed themselves properly. The latest plan is to make all teenagers do cooking classes. Find out more as you practise your listening comprehension skills!
High school actors (Video) (7.49)
Go behind the stage at an important theatre event.
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
Fresh fruit and vegetables
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008
Slow London (19.45)
In this programme, they talk about life in the city. Do things move too fast in cities? They talk to Rohan, who has started a campaign encouraging people in London to slow down. Mauricio, a listener, tells us about his life on a farm in Brazil.
To listen to this recording, click on "Listen online" or if you want to download it to your MP3 player, click on "Download MP3".
Expressing yourself
Likes (5.49) :
Dislikes (5.52) :
No strong feelings (5.41) :
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (13.34)
Listen to the first chapter of this dramatic audio performance.
Business women (7.53)
Meet two women who've started up their own papers, which have become very popular with parents of young children.
Once you're on this page, look for "Business Women" and click on the Real Player icon.
Don't give up if you find it difficult, they explain everything in detail after the documentary.
Bilingualism (6.48)
What are the advantages of learning several languages from an early age? What are the dangers? What’s the best way to teach your child two or more languages simultaneously?
Bad jobs (2.59)
Hear six different people talks about jobs they would not want to have.
First jobs (3.34)
Six people talk about their first job.
Remember the card you have to hand in must include:
- Title of the material you've watched / listened to
- Brief summary
- What you've learnt
Pronunciation tips
In Praise of Slow
1. Why did he write the book?
2. What example does he give?
3. What made him change?
4. What did he do then?
5. What did he find out?
6. How important is the book?
7. What examples of slow movements does he mention?
E-mail your answers to me so that I can check them for you.
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008
E-mail your answers to me (eoipilar@yahoo.es) and you will take part in a contest.
Deadline: Tuesday, November 11
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
How to trick or treat
martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
Remember the card you have to hand in must include:
- Title of the material you've watched / listened to
- Brief summary
- What you've learnt
Social business
You will hear from Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus about the concept of 'social business'. Why does he think this is a more effective way of fighting poverty than charity?
Are you intelligent?
Are you really as intelligent as you like to think you are? A study shows men are more likely to overrate their intelligence than women. Jackie and Callum look at the results and at the language of abilities.
Mobile phones
Is having a mobile phone important? Could you live without your mobile?
Find out about a night-time activity which is popular in London - especially in the winter festive season, when everyone wants to party, but it's too cold to be outside.
There are hundreds of clubs in London, playing music from acid to funky house...and, as we find out, a night out in a club can be quite an adventure!
Black Books
Meet Bernard Black. Bernard is an anti-social, heavy drinking chain-smoker who owns a small London bookshop - an unusual vocation, given that he detests customers and delights in physically and verbally abusing them at every opportunity. His best (and only) friend in the world is his lunch time drinking partner Fran, a neurotic and boyfriend-desperate woman who owns the pretentious arts and crafts shop next to his. Bernard is cynical, abrasive and lazy, and is perfectly happy that way - but his life takes an unexpected turn when he sells 'The Little Book of Calm' to hyper-stressed accountant Manny Bianco, who against all odds ends up swallowing it. When the dust is settled, Manny will have a new job, Fran will have a new friend, and Bernard's life will be far more surreal (if that's possible).
Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga is a revolutionary idea – simple and profound. An exercise routine, it is fast sweeping the world and is a complete wellbeing workout. It is the brainchild of Dr. Madan Kataria, an Indian physician from Mumbai who started the first laughter club in a park on 13th March 1995, with just 5 people. Today, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 6000 social laughter clubs in 60 countries.
Laughter Yoga combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing (Pranayama). Anyone can laugh for no reason, without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. Laughter is simulated as a body exercise in a group but with eye contact and childlike playfulness, it soon turns into real and contagious laughter. The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter.One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits.
Watch 1x01 - BBooks in Entertainment Videos | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008
Face to facebook
Click on the link below and then go to recording 27 and click on "Listen".
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008
Is English pronunciation that difficult?
This is a funny video of Steve Martin trying to learn English with a perfect American accent so he can be a spy in America. I enjoyed it a lot, I hope you also have fun.
I would like to buy a hamburger:
How to use your mobile in public without causing offence
How to text message
miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008
Plans for the night
Click on the link and then when you are on that page click for instructions to the activity.